And yes, I
do emphasize that this will be something you never forget. Whether you're just one part of the collective body, or you're the audience we perform for, the Choirs at Penn State Behrend truly leave an impact on you no matter which aspect you take on. For those of you reading, I'm the President of Choirs here at PSB for Fall-Spring 2008-2009 school year. As the spring semester is about a third of the way though, I've realized that though I'll only be on board for another ten weeks, myself and the other officers (and even the rest of the choir) have a lot in store for us!
As it stands, around 45 of the almost 60 members of choir are attending a New York City trip at the end of March! This is extremely exciting, because it will be the first trip anyone from a PSB Choir has taken with the still-fresh Dr. Jason Bishop. A lot of hype, planning, and effort on
all parts have gone into making this trip a possibility and we're all looking forward to spending four musical and exciting days in the Big Apple!

As the officers make last minute preparations [such as where we might be performing, including the above location of Times Square], many students - prospective singers, curious members, or just curious students - might be wondering what's in store for the future of choirs here at PSB. A lot of this answer lay largely on the future of the leadership of the choirs. Diligently, your elected leaders work to bring you a quality of education in choral activity that's both enriching
and enticing; whether or not this includes trips (and more often than not it will) is up to them!
Stay tuned for more information on New York and for upcoming videos of choral rehearsals!
Your Choir President,
You're one and only Director of Choral Activities
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