Friday, September 4, 2009

Hello my wonderful and ridiculously talented choir members. Welcome to a new semester of music and our first of many blogs of the semester! I will hopefully be updating this weekly on Fridays. The blogs will consist of what happened in previous rehearsals, important events coming up in the future, etc. Before I continue on, some of you have come to me expressing that you aren’t much of a blogger and want to know if it’s mandatory. No, it’s not mandatory that you say something. I’m not going to track you down and throw lightening bolts at you! However, these blogs are very beneficial. This is a place to express your feelings, questions, views, concerns, comments, etc., you may have with choir. If you could spare 5-10 minutes to write a response, or contact me with feedback, it would be much appreciated.

It has now been a total of two weeks of rehearsal for both choirs, and I find myself more than impressed with the music we are creating. I’m proud to say that I am a part of both choirs and their achievements so far! I remember my first semester here, in fall ’08. A transfer student, and so far away from home, I confess my worry that things weren’t going to work out. Nonetheless, by the end of last spring ’09 I found myself to be a part of what has become my musical family. I look back to that first day of rehearsal, and it’s incredibly amazing at how far these choirs have come. My fellow sopranos, we used to be so scared to sing those super high notes, and now look at us! Already in the first rehearsal we have sung at the top of the staff! Altos, your gorgeous harmony never ceases to amaze me. We’d have no choir without you! Tenors, you all blend so wonderfully together and when I hear you sing I get the chills. And last, but certainly not least, basses. I think you complete this choir in more ways than one. Your powerful low notes are very impressive. The choir wouldn’t be complete with a conductor; Dr. Bishop. I mention him because he has to be one of the most brilliant choir directors I have ever had. If you’re ever in the audience of one of his concerts and really watch him conduct, you will see how passionate he is about music. Personally, he has helped me improve my classical singing voice and has shown me what a true choir should be, and hopefully, he’ll do the same for you! :)

Dr. Bishop mentioned something in rehearsal this week that I found most interesting; risk-taking. Do not be afraid to take risks! If you make a mistake, that’s ok! It is all part of learning to sight-read, listen, and learn. Nobody is perfect, and I make mistakes singing all the time. It takes practice, and even then sometimes we still make mistakes. I also want to take the time to mention that if any of you need any help with your music, I and the other officers are always here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

I’d like to also take a moment to acknowledge and congratulate our new choir representatives: Samantha Burton (Soprano)
Danielle Dortenzo (Alto)
Nathan Myers (Tenor)
Chris Choven (Bass)
Aaron Sizer (Chambers)

Special Announcements for this Week
· We will be holding elections for Tour & Event Manager at next Wednesday’s rehearsal. Please take the time this weekend to think about and consider who you think might be good for this position, and if you are interested, let it be known to the choir ASAP!
· If you are in Chambers only and have not yet done so, please e-mail me you class schedule ASAP at
· If I have not gotten a picture of you yet, please contact me ASAP! I don’t want to leave you out of the scrapbook.
· Also, just a reminder that there will be a Choir Social Event on September 18th. More information will be given as we get closer to the event. Keep your schedules clear! :)

Oh, and if you are able to find the time, please try to see Kevin in Chicago at the Erie Playhouse! Here are the Chicago dates! :)
Sept. 10-13, 16-20, 24-27
All shows at 7:30pm
$13 - Students
$21 - Adults

Stay tuned in for next week’s blog, because it will feature our seniors! :) Until then, I leave you with this: “Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.”

Much Love, Your Publicity & Concert Manager,
Emily :)

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