Dear Concert Choir,
Since there are several important announcements today and this is the week before Spring Break, I decided to send today's announcements by e-mail as well. Please see below. These are posted on ANGEL and will be distributed in hard copy as usual. Please be sure you read the announcements carefully. This information is being distributed in so many different ways that there is no excuse for being uninformed!
Dr. B
February 28, 2011
1) Solo Opportunities: This is the last week to hear solo auditions for the following:
Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal: soprano
Ave Maria: SAT trio
Fauré Requiem: baritone (II & VI), soprano (IV)
I am available to hear solo auditions this week at the following times:
Mondays: 1-2:15 (my office); 3:45-4:15 or 6:30-7:00 (Chapel)
Wednesdays: 1-2:15 (my office); 3:45-4:15 or after 6:30 (Chapel)
If these dates/times don’t work for you, contact me to schedule something else.
2) April 9 Adjudicated Choir Festival: This is a reminder that at our Adjudicated Choir Festival on April 9, a portion of the day will be designated for duets, trios, and small ensemble performances. These should be approximately 5 minutes in length (one piece, generally). If any group of students is interested in preparing something, you need to choose your piece and start rehearsing it as soon as possible, then get my approval (no later than March 25). I will listen to small groups at any of the dates & times below between now and March 25:
Mondays: 1-2:15 (my office); 3:45-4:15 or 6:30-7:00 (Chapel)
Wednesdays: 1-2:15 (my office); 3:45-4:15 or after 6:30 (Chapel)
If these dates/times don’t work for you, contact me to schedule something else.
3) Fundraising for Choir Tour: Aaron will be speaking today about fundraising opportunities for our May Choir Tour. The choir’s overall fundraising goal is $1,000, which averages out to about $24 per person (a more than manageable amount). It is important to show our donors and supporters that we, too, are investing some time and energy in raising funds to support our tour.
4) Memorization Schedule: “Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal” is due today for memorization. The next scheduled piece to be memorized is “Ave Maria” for March 14 (the Monday after spring break). Also, remember that the Fauré Pavane needs to be stronger this week. We will work on both “Ave Maria” and the Pavane this Wednesday.
5) Publicity Ideas: Please see below for some ideas and a request for input from your Concert & Publicity Manager, Melissa Hess.
From Melissa Hess, Concert & Publicity Manager
Since I am the Concert and Publicity Manger, I am constantly looking for different ways to promote the choir to not only the campus but to the public as well. I am always open to suggestions and actually encourage them. I wanted to get everyone’s opinion on different events we could do to get our name out there. The reason I want your input is because the choir does these things as a collective group and attendance is desired. Below are a few ideas of things that I would like to plan, so if you could write your thoughts down on a piece of paper and leave it on the stand in the back of the chapel, that would be wonderful.
Some Ideas:
Bring a Friend to Choir Day
Bring a Friend to Dinner with the Choir
Flash Mob at the mall or public place
Singing at Behrend church services in the Chapel on Sundays
These are just a few ideas, so give me your thoughts and if you have any others ideas please tell me so we can try and get our name out there even more.
Thanks guys, you’re a big help!
Melissa Hess
Penn State Behrend Choirs
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Annoucements from 2/9
Dear Concert Choir,
To keep you on track with memorization, I am giving you a gradual memorization schedule that allows you to have one piece memorized per week until the final memorization deadline of March 28:
Hallelujah (Cohen): February 21
Hark I Hear: February 28
Ave Maria: March 14
Hallelujah (Handel): March 21
Dirait-on, My Soul’s Been Anchored: March 28
*The Fauré Requiem and Pavane will be performed with music, in black 3-ring binders.
*Chamber Singers: your memorization schedule for your separate pieces is announced weekly in rehearsal.
Dr. B
To keep you on track with memorization, I am giving you a gradual memorization schedule that allows you to have one piece memorized per week until the final memorization deadline of March 28:
Hallelujah (Cohen): February 21
Hark I Hear: February 28
Ave Maria: March 14
Hallelujah (Handel): March 21
Dirait-on, My Soul’s Been Anchored: March 28
*The Fauré Requiem and Pavane will be performed with music, in black 3-ring binders.
*Chamber Singers: your memorization schedule for your separate pieces is announced weekly in rehearsal.
Dr. B
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Announcements From January 24th 2011
1) Performance Tour will take place May 15-19 to Cleveland, Detroit, & Chicago. Plan now to be in Erie on May 15 for our departure, and to be back in Erie the evening of May 19. More specific information will be released soon about departure/arrival times, venues, etc. The trip will come at no student cost except for personal meals and spending money. Some meals, such as continental breakfasts at hotels and potluck dinners at churches, will be provided.
2) Admissions will host an Open House on Saturday, April 2, and they would like us to do a Flash Mob! (If you don’t know what a Flash Mob is, check out the video that Aaron posted on the Choirs at Penn State Behrend page.) This will be a really fun activity, but it only works if we are prepared and have a full chorus. Since this date was not on your original syllabus, please let me know by Wednesday, January 26 if you have an irreconcilable conflict.
1) Performance Tour will take place May 15-19 to Cleveland, Detroit, & Chicago. Plan now to be in Erie on May 15 for our departure, and to be back in Erie the evening of May 19. More specific information will be released soon about departure/arrival times, venues, etc. The trip will come at no student cost except for personal meals and spending money. Some meals, such as continental breakfasts at hotels and potluck dinners at churches, will be provided.
2) Admissions will host an Open House on Saturday, April 2, and they would like us to do a Flash Mob! (If you don’t know what a Flash Mob is, check out the video that Aaron posted on the Choirs at Penn State Behrend page.) This will be a really fun activity, but it only works if we are prepared and have a full chorus. Since this date was not on your original syllabus, please let me know by Wednesday, January 26 if you have an irreconcilable conflict.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Claire's Post
Clare Edwards
What Music Means to Me and how it has Influenced Me
My musical education began when I was just a child. My parents would take me to church and, when I was old enough to start understanding what was actually happening around me, my mother would help me sing the songs during mass. As I grew older, I gained more confidence and was able to sing a little louder. However, only when I learned the meaning behind the songs was able to fully appreciate and be moved by what I was singing. This story is just one example of why I believe that music is not only words to a rhythm, but a way of understanding and being. Anyone can speak a sentence with no emotion. It’s up to the singer, or in this case the choirs, to look at the complexity of the words, discover it’s meaning, and relate the meaning to an audience. I feel that music has helped me to understand the world better. If there is any problem I encounter, there is probably a song out there written by someone who was going through the same thing. So, what does music mean to me? It means breaching boundaries and discovering that you’re never alone
Clare Edwards
What Music Means to Me and how it has Influenced Me
My musical education began when I was just a child. My parents would take me to church and, when I was old enough to start understanding what was actually happening around me, my mother would help me sing the songs during mass. As I grew older, I gained more confidence and was able to sing a little louder. However, only when I learned the meaning behind the songs was able to fully appreciate and be moved by what I was singing. This story is just one example of why I believe that music is not only words to a rhythm, but a way of understanding and being. Anyone can speak a sentence with no emotion. It’s up to the singer, or in this case the choirs, to look at the complexity of the words, discover it’s meaning, and relate the meaning to an audience. I feel that music has helped me to understand the world better. If there is any problem I encounter, there is probably a song out there written by someone who was going through the same thing. So, what does music mean to me? It means breaching boundaries and discovering that you’re never alone
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
how music inspires Amanda Neville
Music has always been a huge part of my life. I started singing when I was about 3 years old. When I sang “Rock-a-bye Baby” or “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to my baby doll, my dad would correct me if I sang a note wrong. He would make me sing it over and over until I sang it correctly. That little habit evolved into an extreme love for music and singing. I started taking group singing lessons, and then I switched to private lessons. I also got into musical theatre and acting. I absolutely fell in love with the arts. In high school I participated in my concert choir and the select women’s choir at the school. My junior year I was the secretary of my choir and my senior year I was the president. Being part of the officers of my choir was an amazing experience. I loved being a part of planning events for the choir. Music has just changed my life. It is my escape from stress. When I sing, I forget about all of my troubles and just feel free. I could not survive without singing and I will be singing for the rest of my life.
Christy's Thoughts
Christy Reeves Blog
The YPC Honor Chorus Festival this coming Saturday, November 13th, will be a great opportunity to interact with the children of The Young People’s Chorus of Erie in a rehearsal and performance setting. Most of the college choir students don’t have a chance to meet these kids, so the fact that we get to spend a day singing and socializing with them is wonderful. Some of these children are talented on a level that far exceeds their age group, which can range from early elementary all the way to high school. As a student that has attended this event in the past, I was very impressed with the dedication and drive I saw in these kids, even at early ages. Performing in concert with them was a learning experience, to say the least. They learn music at an astounding rate, devouring anything thrown at them. I look forward to seeing new members of YPC this weekend and learning from them again this year.
The YPC Honor Chorus Festival this coming Saturday, November 13th, will be a great opportunity to interact with the children of The Young People’s Chorus of Erie in a rehearsal and performance setting. Most of the college choir students don’t have a chance to meet these kids, so the fact that we get to spend a day singing and socializing with them is wonderful. Some of these children are talented on a level that far exceeds their age group, which can range from early elementary all the way to high school. As a student that has attended this event in the past, I was very impressed with the dedication and drive I saw in these kids, even at early ages. Performing in concert with them was a learning experience, to say the least. They learn music at an astounding rate, devouring anything thrown at them. I look forward to seeing new members of YPC this weekend and learning from them again this year.
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